Sunday, September 03, 2006

Take thy beak from out my heart

In the continuing adventures of the action heroes, we were introduced to a new man this week, brought back from the travels of Jim & Gina: Mr. Edgar Allen Poe!

Leave it to Gina to find Edgar, complete with raven!

I felt immediately compelled to match-make again, and, considering Edgar's unfortunate romantic history (Lenore, Annabel Lee), I thought it best to set him up with Diana, a.k.a. Wonder Woman, the quintessential strong, healthy female.

I'll also be encouraging him to get outside a bit -- see if we can't do something about that ghostly pallor.


Anonymous said...

Wonder woman is way too feisty a woman for poor Edgar. She'll eat him and his raven up for breakfast!

Anonymous said...

We have a William Shakespeare Action Figure in our household, and I am thinking of adding a Jane Austen..

Anonymous said...

you are a nut...

And I can't remember my password. Or my username. Again.
