Saturday, July 29, 2006

Morning in Chicago

Had a pleasant little diversion this morning as Harry and I went out on a search for some strong coffee (for me; strong whole milk for Harry), and stumbled upon a farmers' market! It was bustling with an array of people, from post-class yogis to grannies with little dogs. We found a chewy sourdough boule & some just-sweet-enough banana bread; and a double cappuccino for me. I didn't buy any tomatoes or cherries, but this is the time in the Midwest where the season is bursting with them, plus the first of the corn-on-the-cob. Ah, summertime. It makes me think of all the books I read when I was growing up, where girls spent idyllic summers out on kindly aunts' farms, drinking homemade lemonade, swinging on tires, and wading in cold bubbling brooks. That never happened to me, of course, which probably has something to do with why I am not a summer person. However, I do enjoy being in this city -- the people are sweet and there's a lot going on. Cooper and I are off to shop for a birthday present and look for a good indie bookstore. Troy and I have settled on the Divide & Conquer Plan for the day.


Sarah said...

Hey Lisa!

The food there looks and sounds amazing! Hope you guys are having a fab time!

xox Sarah

Anonymous said...

Beautiful photos, Lisa. I could dive into those tomatoes!

Lea xxx